- November 2024: PI Croft presents “Lost worlds of South America” at the monthly meeting of the North Coast Fossil Club
- November 2024: Our paper synthesizing the paleoenvironment and fauna of Quebrada Honda is published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
- October/November 2024: Members of our lab present a talk and several posters at the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting in Minneapolis. Topics include terror birds from Bolivia, astrapotheres from Bolivia, evolutionary relationships of South American native ungulates, and enamel microwear in notoungulates from northwest Argentina. Check out our abstracts here.
- September 2024: PI Croft is named an Outstanding Research Mentor for medical students by CWRU’s School of Medicine.
- September 2024: PI Croft presents “Mamíferos y otros animales del Mioceno temprano y medio de Bolivia y del norte de Chile” for the Grupo de Investigación en Paleobiología e Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota. The recording is available here.
- August 2024: Our study of sloth remains from the Early Miocene site of Pampa Castillo in southern Chile is published in Ameghiniana. It was lead by former CWRU undergrad Nathanael Lee.
- July 2024: PI Croft receives secondary faculty appointment in CWRU’s department of Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences.
- June 2024: Our study of a well-preserved juvenile litoptern cranium from northwest Argentina is published in American Museum Novitates. It is open access, so you can download it here.
- May 2024: PI Croft presents the invited talk “Avances en el conocimiento de los mamíferos neógenos del Altiplano boliviano y sus paleoambientes” at the XXXVIII Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontología de Vertebrados in Corrientes, Argentina.
You might also be interested in checking out the latest:
- Rafting Monkey blog posts
- Old Bones blog posts by Darin Croft
- Tweets by Darin Croft (@dcpaleo)
- Darin A. Croft Google Scholar Citations
- Darin A. Croft on ResearchGate
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