Books, Chapters, Comments, Editorials, Extended Abstracts, Reviews
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- Friscia, A.R., M.R. Borths & D.A. Croft. 2023. Comparing the evolution of the extinct, endemic carnivorous mammals of South America and Africa (sparassodonts and hyaenodonts); pp. 59-77 in Casanovas-Vilar, I., van den Hoek Ostende, L.W., Janis, C.M., Saarinen, J. (eds.), Evolution of Cenozoic Land Mammal Faunas and Ecosystems. Springer (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Book Series), Cham, Switzerland.
- Žliobaitė, I., M. Fortelius, R.L. Bernor, L.W. van den Hoek Ostende, C.M. Janis, K. Lintulaakso, L.K. Säilä, L. Werdelin, I. Casanovas-Vilar, D.A. Croft, L.J. Flynn, S.S.B. Hopkins, A. Kaakinen, L. Kordos, D.S. Kostopoulos, L. Pandolfi, J. Rowan, A. Tesakov, I. Vislobokova, Z. Zhang, M. Aiglstorfer, D.M. Alba, M. Arnal, P.-O. Antoine, M. Belmaker, M. Bilgin, J.-R. Boisserie, M.R. Borths, S.B. Cooke, J.A. van Dam, E. Delson, J.T. Eronen, D. Fox, A.R. Friscia, M. Furió, I.X. Giaourtsakis, L. Holbrook, J. Hunter, S. López-Torres, J. Ludtke, R. Minwer-Barakat, J. van der Made, B. Mennecart, D. Pushkina, L. Rook, J. Saarinen, J.X. Samuels, W. Sanders, M.T. Silcox & J. Vepsäläinen. 2023. The NOW Database of fossil mammals; pp. 33-42 in I. Casanovas-Vilar, I., L.W. van den Hoek Ostende, C.M. Janis & J. Saarinen (eds.), Evolution of Cenozoic Land Mammal Faunas and Ecosystems. Springer (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Book Series), Cham, Switzerland.
- Rougier, G.W., T.J. Gaudin, & D.A. Croft. 2021. Head of the class: John R. Wible’s transformative insights into mammalian craniodental anatomy. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 28(4):1021–1025.
- Croft, D.A. & G.M. López. 2020. Gondwanan Perspectives: Evolution, biogeography, and paleoecology of the native ungulates of South America. Ameghiniana 57(2):71-79.
- Croft, D.A. 2018. Evolution of teeth in South America. Science 362:533.
- Croft, D.A., D.F. Su & S.W. Simpson. 2018. Introduction to paleoecological reconstruction; pp. 1-5 in D.A. Croft, D.F. Su, and S.W. Simpson (eds.), Methods in Paleoecology: Reconstructing Cenozoic Terrestrial Environments and Ecological Communities. Springer (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series), Cham, Switzerland.
- Croft, D.A., D.F. Su & S.W. Simpson (eds.). 2018. Methods in Paleoecology: Reconstructing Cenozoic Terrestrial Environments and Ecological Communities. Springer (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series), Cham, Switzerland, 410 pp. [ISBN: 978-3-319-94264-3; proceedings from an international symposium of 16 invited speakers held at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and CWRU in Sept. 2015]
- Green, J.L. & D.A. Croft. 2018. Using dental mesowear and microwear for dietary inference: a review of current techniques and applications; pp. 53-73 in D.A. Croft, D.F. Su, and S.W. Simpson (eds.), Methods in Paleoecology: Reconstructing Cenozoic Terrestrial Environments and Ecological Communities. Springer (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series), Cham, Switzerland.
- Su. D.F. & D.A. Croft. 2018. Making sense of the evidence: synthesizing paleoecological data; pp. 395-404 in D.A. Croft, D.F. Su, and S.W. Simpson (eds.), Methods in Paleoecology: Reconstructing Cenozoic Terrestrial Environments and Ecological Communities. Springer (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology Series), Cham, Switzerland.
- Croft, D.A. 2016. Horned Armadillos and Rafting Monkeys: the Fascinating Fossil Mammals of South America. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 320 pp. [ISBN: 978-0-253-02084-0]
- Croft, D.A. & R.K. Engelman. 2014. Early Miocene Paleobiology in Patagonia. High-latitude paleocommunities of the Santa Cruz Formation. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 34(1):237-238. [Book Review]
- Charrier, R., D.A. Croft, J.J. Flynn, L. Pinto & A.R. Wyss. 2012. Mamíferos fósiles cenozoicos en Chile: Implicancias paleontológicas y tectónicas. Continuación de investigaciones iniciadas por Darwin en América del Sur; pp. 281-316 in A. Veloso and A. Spotorno (eds.), Evolución: Darwin y la Evolución: Avances en la Universidad de Chile. Editorial Universitaria, Universidad de Chile, Santiago.
- Croft, D.A. 2012. Punctuated isolation: the making and mixing of South America’s mammals; pp. 9-19 in B.D. Patterson and L.P. Costa (eds.), Bones, Clones, and Biomes: The History and Geography of Recent Neotropical Mammals. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
- Flynn, J.J., R. Charrier, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss. 2012. Cenozoic Andean faunas: shedding new light on South American mammal evolution, biogeography, environments, and tectonics; pp. 51-75 in B.D. Patterson and L.P. Costa (eds.), Bones, Clones, and Biomes: The History and Geography of Recent Neotropical Mammals. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
- Croft, D.A. 2011. The beginning of the Age of Mammals in South America, Part III. Journal of Mammalian Evolution 18(3):215-216. [Review of The Paleontology of Gran Barranca: Evolution and Environmental Change through the Middle Cenozoic of Patagonia]
- Croft, D.A. 2008. Why do deer have antlers: fighting or display?; pp. 237-240 in M. Benton (ed.), The Seventy Great Mysteries of the Natural World. Thames & Hudson, London. [ISBN: 978-0-500-25143-0]
- Croft, D.A., R. Charrier, J.J. Flynn & A.R. Wyss. 2008. Recent additions to knowledge of Tertiary mammals from the Chilean Andes. I Simposio Paleontología en Chile, Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago. Libro de Actas 1:91-96.
- Charrier, R., A. Chávez, S. Elgueta, G. Hérail, J.J. Flynn, D.A. Croft, A.R. Wyss & M. García. 2002. Rapid tectonic and paleogeographic evolution; the Chucal Anticline, Altiplano of Arica, northern Chile. Extended abstracts, Fifth International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics, Toulouse, France, pp. 137-140.
- Charrier, R., G. Hérail, J.J. Flynn, R. Riquelme, M. García, D.A. Croft, & A. Wyss. 2000. El Cordón Chapiquiña-Belén en el borde occidental del Altiplano Chileno: significado paleogeográfico y contexto tectónico regional. IX Congreso Geológico Chileno, Puerto Varas, Chile, Actas 1, p. 763-767.
- Croft, D.A. 1999. Placentals: endemic South American ungulates; pp. 890–906 in R. Singer (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Paleontology. Fitzroy-Dearborn Publishers, Chicago, IL. [ISBN: 1884964966]
- Charrier, R., G. Hérail, J.J. Flynn, R. Riquelme, M. García, D.A. Croft & A. Wyss. 1999. Opposite thrust-vergencies in the Precordillera and Western Cordillera in Northern Chile and structurally linked Cenozoic paleoenvironmental evolution. Abstracts, IV International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics, Göttingen, Germany, pp. 155-158.