Abstracts are in reverse chronological order. Within the same year, they are sorted by the last name of the first author, then by number of authors, then by last name of the second author.
- Armella, M & D.A. Croft. 2024. Paleodieta de los Pachyrukhinae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) del Neógeno tardío del noroeste Argentino: Evidencias del microdesgaste dental. Reunión de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (RCAPA), Nov. 25-27, San Rafael, Argentina, pp 16-17.
- Armella, M, R.A. Bonini, S.M. Georgieff, D.A. Croft, D.A. García-López, & G.I. Schmidt. 2024. Análisis preliminar sober el microdesgaste como potencial indicador paleoambiental para el Neógeno tardío del noroeste Argentino: Los Pachyrukhinae (Mammalia, Notoungulata) como caso de estudio. Reunión de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (RCAPA), Nov. 25-27, San Rafael, Argentina, pp 15-16.
- Armella, M, D.A. Croft, S.M. Georgieff, R.E. Bonini, D.A. García-López, & G.I. Schmidt. 2024. Ungulados nativos del Neógeno del noroeste de Argentina: diversidad e inferencias paleodietarias. Primera Jornada de Fortalecimiento de la Investigación del NOA, 06/24-26, Salta, Argentina.
- Croft, D.A., M.A. Armella & S.W. Simpson 2024. Diets of late Neogene notoungulates from northwestern Argentina based on enamel microwear. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2024:155.
- Evenden, R., F. Anaya & D.A. Croft. 2024. Domain expansion: New occurrences of phorusrhacids, cariamids, and rheiformes (Aves) in the late Middle Miocene of Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2024:187-8.
- Holbrook, L.T., B.L. Beatty, D.A. Croft & A. Wright. 2024. Reanalysis of the relationships among perissodactyls and certain South American native ungulates using an expanded matrix. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2024:260.
- Lorente, M., D.A. Croft, & G.I. Schmidt. 2024. Hindlimb evolution and locomotion in Litopterna. Reunión de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (RCAPA), Nov. 25-27, San Rafael, Argentina, p 94.
- Saade, L.S., M.A. Armella, D.A. Croft, & D.A. García-López. 2024. Formación Río Loro (Paleógeno, Provincia de Tucumán). Reunión de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (RCAPA), Nov. 25-27, San Rafael, Argentina, pp 137-8.
- Strömberg, C.A., B.Z. Saylor, R.K. Engelman, A.M. Catena, D.I. Hembree, F. Anaya & D.A. Croft. 2024. The Quebrada Honda Basin: A window into the late middle Miocene of tropical South America. Exploring New Directions in Miocene Earth System Connections, 04/24-26, Tucson, Arizona.
- Van Orman, J., F. Anaya & D.A. Croft. 2024. New Middle Miocene astrapothere remains from Quebrada Honda, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2024:546-7.
- Armella, M.A. & D.A. Croft. 2023. Presencia de morfotipos “haplodontheriinos” (Toxodontidae, Notoungulata) en la Formación Chiquimil (Mioceno Tardío), Catamarca, Argentina. XXXVI Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontología de Vertebrados, May 22-24, La Rioja, Argentina. Libro de Resúmenes 1:26-27.
- Croft, D.A., O. Adojoh, F. Anaya, R.K. Engelman, M. Galarza, N.E. Levin & B Z. Saylor. 2023. New paleontological and geological data from the middle Miocene of Nazareno, southern Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2023:130.
- Damico, S.L., F. Anaya & D.A. Croft. 2023. Encephalization quotient (EQ) of a middle Miocene sparassodont (Metatheria) from Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2023:136.
- Engelman, R., R.M. Beck, P. Potts & D.A. Croft. 2023. No support for an interchange-driven extinction of notoungulates and litopterns based on diversification rates of South American native ungulates (SANUs). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2023:158-159.
- Engelman, R., R.M. Beck, P. Potts, D. De Vries & D.A. Croft. 2023. No apoyo para una extinción de notoungulata y litopterna impulsada por el gran intercambio biótico americano basado en las tasas de diversificación de los ungulados nativos de América del Sur (SANU). Segundo Congreso Colombiano de Paleontología, Nov. 14-18, Bogotá, Colombia. Libro de Resúmenes, p. 43.
- McGrath, A., D.A. Croft, J.D. Carrillo, M.G. Suárez Perez, A. Link Ospina. 2023. New litoptern (Panameriungulata; Mammalia) specimens from La Venta (Miocene; Colombia) and ecomorphology of Neogene herbivore communities across the Panamanian Seaway. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2023:294-295.
- Weber, A.D. & D.A. Croft. 2023. Xenarthran morphological disparity and implications for cingulate taxonomy. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2023:136.
- Armella, M.A., D.A. García-López, G.I. Schmidt, D.A. Croft, R.A. Bonini. 2022. Primer registro de Macraucheniidae (Panperissodactyla, Litopterna) en la Formación Palo Pintado (Mioceno tardío), sur de la provincia de Salta, Argentina. Reunión de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (RCAPA), Nov. 23-25, Salta, Argentina, pp. 71-72.
- Fernández-Monescillo, M., D.A. Croft, F. Pujos & P.-O. Antoine. 2022. Analysis intraespecífico de Mesotherium cristatum (Mammalia, Notoungulata, Mesotheriidae) del Pleistoceno temprano-medio de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. XXXV Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontología de Vertebrados, May 18-20, Trelew, Chubut, Argentina (Virtual). Publicación Electrónica de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina 22(R2):R23.
- Strömberg, C.A., D.A. Croft, B.Z. Saylor & Camila Crifò. 2022. The Quebrada Honda Basin, southern Bolivia: a window into the late Middle Miocene of tropical South America. Geological Society of America Connects, Oct. 9-12, Denver, Colorado. GSA Abstracts with Program 50(5):383966.
- Barasoain, D., A.E. Zurita, R.L. Tomassini & D.A. Croft. 2021. Evolutionary history of a unique mammalian structure: The caudal tube of Glyptodontidae (Xenarthra, Cingulata). Panel 6, Área Macroevolución y Paleobiología, Primero Congreso Latinoamericano de Evolución (CLEVOL), Nov. 30 – Dec. 3, 2021.
- Bubadué, J., N.C. Cáceres, D.A. Croft, T. Davide & C. Meloro. 2021. The mandible of carnivorous mammals: the impact of climate on morphological disparity through time. 2021 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, June 14-18 (Virtual).
- Croft, D.A., R. Charrier, J.J. Flynn, A. Holland, C. Taylor & A.R. Wyss. 2021. The first hegetotheriid notoungulates from Cachapoal and Los Queñes (Andean Main Range, central Chile). Resúmenes del XII Congreso de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (CAPA), Nov. 23-26, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Virtual), pp. 115-116.
- Engelman, R.K. & D.A. Croft. 2021. Ninety years late to the party: New genera and species of Sparassodonta from historical collections of the middle Eocene Gran Barranca and Cañadón Vaca members (Sarmiento Formation) of Patagonia. Resúmenes del XII Congreso de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (CAPA), Nov. 23-26, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Virtual), p. 116.
- Fernández-Monescillo, M., D. Croft, F. Pujos & P.-O. Antoine. 2021. Resolution of the long-standing controversy over the type species of the genus Pseudotypotherium (Mesotheriidae, Notoungulata). Resúmenes del XII Congreso de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (CAPA), Nov. 23-26, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Virtual), pp. 171-172.
- Flynn, J.J., R. Charrier, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss. 2021. The Andean Main Range of Central Chile: A preeminent archive of South American mammal evolution, and its tectonic and paleoenvironmental implications. Simposio Actualización de la Geología de Chile (SAGChi), Oct. 18-29, Santiago, Chile (Virtual)
- McGrath, A., J.J. Flynn, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss. 2021. The rodent fauna of Pampa Castillo (Chile) and its implications for early Miocene biochronology. Simposio Actualización de la Geología de Chile (SAGChi), Oct. 18-29, Santiago, Chile (Virtual).
- Croft, D.A., B. Saylor, C. Strömberg, R.K. Engelman, A. Catena, A. Deino, L. Gibert, D. Hembree, & F. Anaya. 2020. Paleoenvironment and chronology of the late middle Miocene (Serravallian) mammal site of Quebrada Honda, southern Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2020:113
- Nelson, A.E. & D.A. Croft. 2020. Calculating body mass for notoungulates using head-body length based on a wide range of modern mammals beyond ungulates. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2020:258.
- Wheat, T.C, A.J. McGrath, D.A. Croft, A.R. Wyss & J.J. Flynn. 2020. A new species of Pleurostylodon (Notoungulata, Mammalia) from the late Eocene Los Queñes locality, Andean Main Range, Central Chile. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2020:338.
- Bubadué, J., N.C. Cáceres, D.A. Croft, T. Davide & C. Meloro. 2019. Morphological disparity of large carnivorous mammals through time: Evidence from mandibular geometry. X Congreso Brasiliero de Mastozoologia, Sept. 9-13, Águas de Lindóia.
- McGrath, A.J., F. Anaya & D.A. Croft. 2019. Hidden in the tropics: new trends in diversity and body size in a clade of South American native ungulates (Litopterna). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, Abstracts with Programs 51(5). doi: 10.1130/abs/2019AM-338815
- Bostelmann, J. E., N. Castro, K. Moreno, M. García, J. Fosdick, G. Campos-Medina, D.A. Croft, & G. Montoya Sanhueza. 2018. Stratigraphy and paleontology of Caragua, Arica and Parinacota regions, Chile, Part 2: Biostratigraphy and geochronology of the late Miocene sedimentary sequence. Libro de Actas, XV Congreso Geológico Chileno “Geosciences Hacia la Comunidad”, p. 1321.
- Croft, D.A. & F. Anaya. 2018. A new species of Protypotherium (Notoungulata: Interatheriidae) from the middle Miocene of Nazareno, Bolivia. VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados, Memorias VI Congreso, pp. 52-53.
- López, G.M., C.I. Galli, D.A. Croft & M.A. Reguero. 2018. Hallazgo de restos de Proterotheriidae (Mammalia, Litopterna) en el Plioceno temprano del Valle Calchaquí (Salta, Argentina). Libro de Resúmenes, Reunión de Comunicaciones de la Asociación Paleontológica Argentina (RCAPA), p. 73.
- Martinez, J-N. & D.A. Croft. 2018. Presencia de Granastrapotherium en el Mioceno de Tumbes (Noroeste del Perú): primer registro de astrapotério en la costa Peruana. VI Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados, Memorias VI Congreso, pp. 44-45.
- Catena, A., M. Sameh & D.A. Croft. 2017. Comparing community structure and habitat of two middle Miocene Neotropical fossil localities using Ecological Diversity Analysis (EDA). Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, Abstracts with Programs 49(6). doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-300629.
- Croft, D.A. 2017. Patterns of limb elongation in endemic South American ungulates (Notoungulata and Litopterna) as measured by metatarsal/femur ratio. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2017:100.
- Engelman, R.K., J.J. Flynn, A.R. Wyss, and D.A. Croft. 2017. A new, early relative of saber-toothed sparassodonts (Metatheria: Sparassodonta: Thylacosmilidae) from the early Oligocene Cachapoal Fauna, Andean Main Range, Central Chile. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2017:108-109.
- Arnal, M., M.G. Vucetich, D.A. Croft, M.S. Bargo, J.C. Fernicola & S.F. Vizcaíno. 2016. Revisión sistemática e historia evolutiva de Acarechimys Patterson in Kraglievich 1965 (Rodentia, Hystricognathi, Octodontoidea). Libro de Resúmenes, 30 Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontología de Vertebrados, p. 79.
- Bostelmann, E., K. Moreno & D.A. Croft. 2016. Hegetotherium cerdasensis (Mammalia, Notoungulata, Hegetotheriidae) in the early late Miocene of northern Chile. Libro de Resúmenes, V Simposio Paleontología en Chile, Concepción, Chile: p. 149.
- Brandoni, D., A.A. Carlini, F. Anaya & D.A. Croft. 2016. Nuevos Megatheriinae (Xenarthra, Tardigrada) del Mioceno medio de Bolivia, y su importancia en la comprensión de su cladogénesis y paleobiogeografía. Libro de Resúmenes, 30 Jornadas Argentinas de Paleontología de Vertebrados, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 17-20, p. 62.
- Carroll, B.R., F. Anaya, & D.A. Croft. 2016. First description of an articulated manus of an hegetotheriine notoungulate, based on a specimen from the middle Miocene of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2016:112.
- Catena, A., B.Z. Saylor & D.A. Croft. 2016. Using ichnofossils and paleosols to reconstruct the middle Miocene paleoenvironment of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs 48(7) doi: 10.1130/abs/2016AM-282176 Catena, A., B.Z. Saylor & D.A. Croft. 2016. Using ichnofossils and paleosols to reconstruct the middle Miocene paleoenvironment of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2016:112-113.
- Moreno, K., E. Bostelmann T., M. García, G. Montoya Sanhueza, D. Muñoz, I. Navia, J. Pérez & D.A. Croft. 2016. New investigations reveal additional mammal diversity at the early late Miocene site of Caragua, northern Chile. Libro de Resúmenes, V Simposio Paleontología en Chile, Concepción, Chile: p. 99.
- Perini, F.A., T.E. Macrini, J.J. Flynn, K. Bamba, X. Ni, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss. 2016. Uma nova filogenia de Notoungulata (Mammalia) com a inclusão de novos caracteres endocranianos. Boletim de Resumos, X Simpósio Brasileiro de Paleontologia de Vertebrados, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: p. 134.
- Bamba, K., F. Anaya & D.A. Croft. 2015. A reassessment of the middle Miocene lagostomine chinchillids (Rodentia) of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2015:84.
- Catena, A.M., Saylor, B. & D.A. Croft. 2015. Reconstructing the middle Miocene paleoenvironment of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia, using ichnology and paleopedology. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs 47(7):717.
- Catena, A.M., Hembree, D.I., Saylor, B. & D.A. Croft. 2015. Reconstructing Miocene Neotropical paleoenvironments: a case study from the paleosols and ichnofossils of Cerdas, Bolivia. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs 47(7):595.
- Croft, D.A., F. Anaya, D. Brandoni, A.A. Carlini, A. Catena, M.R. Ciancio & R.K. Engelman. 2015. New data from Cerdas, Bolivia, a low latitude site that chronicles the end of the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum (MMCO). V Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados 2015:63.
- Croft, D.A., F. Anaya, D. Brandoni, A.A. Carlini, A. Catena, M.R. Ciancio & R.K. Engelman. 2015. New mammal faunal data from Cerdas, Bolivia, a low latitude Neotropical site that chronicles the end of the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum (MMCO) in South America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2015:111.
- Croft, D.A., T.E. Macrini, F.A. Perini, J.J. Flynn, K. Bamba, X. Ni & A.R. Wyss. 2015. New data on the notoungulate (Mammalia) endocranial cavity and a phylogenetic analysis based on craniodental and postcranial characters. V Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados 2015:34.
- Engelman, R.K., F. Anaya & D.A. Croft. 2015. Palaeothentid marsupials from the middle Miocene of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2015:121.
- Fariña, R.A., S. Ros, D.A. Croft & S. Vallejo. 2015. Mastozoofaunas evolutivas del Cenozoico sudamericano. V Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados 2015:66.
- Gaudin, T.J. & D.A. Croft. 2015. Paleogene Xenarthra and the evolution of South American mammals. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2015:130-131
- Macrini, T.E., F.A Perini, J.J. Flynn, K. Bamba, X. Ni, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss 2015. New data bearing on the evolution of the endocranial cavity of Notoungulata (Mammalia), and a phylogenetic analysis based on craniodental characters. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2015:171.
- McGrath, A.J., F. Anaya & D.A. Croft. 2015. New South American native ungulates (Litopterna: Macraucheniidae) from the middle Miocene (Serravallian; Laventan SALMA) of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2015:178.
- Croft, D.A., J.J. Flynn, F. Anaya & A.R. Wyss. 2014. Chinchillids from northern Chile and southern Bolivia. Resúmenes, IV Simposio Paleontología en Chile, Valdivia, Chile: p. 52.
- Catena, A. & D.A. Croft. 2014. Reconstructing the middle Miocene paleoenvironment of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia, using ichnology and paleopedology. Abstracts, 4th International Paleontological Conference, Mendoza, Argentina: p. 234.
- Croft, D.A. & P. Guder. 2014. Analysis of intramembral proportions in endemic South American ungulates and comparisons to modern taxa. Abstracts, 4th International Paleontological Conference, Mendoza, Argentina: p. 190.
- Croft, D.A., F. Anaya, A. Catena, M. Ciancio & R. Engelman. 2013. New species, local faunas, and paleoenvironmental data for the middle Miocene Quebrada Honda Fauna, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2013:109.
- Drew, N, D.A. Croft & F. Anaya. 2013. Description of a new Miocene hegetotheriid notoungulate from Cerdas, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2013:117.
- Kelloway, T.L., D.A. Croft, A. Prybyla, G. Semprebon & K.E. Townsend. 2013. Diets of late early Miocene litopterns from Santa Cruz, Argentina, based in mesowear and microwear. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2013:152.
- Luna, D.A., J.J. Flynn, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss. 2013. Taxonomy, biogeography, and phylogeny of Miocene endemic South American ungulates (Mammalia) from the Laguna del Laja region, Andean Main Range, central Chile. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2013:166.
- Perez, N.M., D.A. Croft, Kelloway, T.L., A. Prybyla & K.E. Townsend. 2013. Using mesowear and microwear to infer the diet Astrapotherium from the late early Miocene of Santa Cruz, Argentina. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2013:190.
- Townsend, K.E. & D.A. Croft. 2013. An expanded analysis of dental microwear in caviomorph rodents. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2013:226.
- West, A., J.J. Flynn, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss. 2013. A quantitative model for morphological evolution in the Interatheriidae (Typotheria, Notoungulata, Mammalia) as a response to climatic and tectonic changes. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2013:236.
- Bamba, K. & D.A. Croft. 2012. Variation within modern chinchillid populations and implications for taxonomy of fossil populations. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2012:59.
- D.A. Croft. 2012. A synthesis of Cenozoic Neotropical mammal evolution in South America: Biogeography and influences from higher latitudes. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2012:82.
- Bertrand, O., J. Flynn, D. Croft & A. Wyss. 2011. Higher-level phylogeny of early Caviomorpha (Rodentia: Hystricognathi), paleogeography and evolution of hypsodonty. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2011:70.
- Croft, D.A. & F. Anaya. 2011. Early to middle Miocene mammal communities in the middle latitudes of South America. Ameghiniana 48(4 Suppl.):R125.
- Higgins, P., D.A. Croft, E. Bostelmann, A. Rinderknecht & M. Ubilla. 2011. Paleodiet and paleoenvironment of fossil giant rodents from Uruguay. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2011:125.
- Luna, D.A., J.J. Flynn, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss. 2011. Endemic South American ungulate (Mammalia) fossils from the Laguna del Laja region, Andean Main Range, central Chile. Ameghiniana 48(4 Suppl.):R126-127.
- Smith, J.J-S., C.N. Garzione, D.J. Auerbach, B. MacFadden & D.A. Croft. 2011. Middle to late Miocene plant respiration rates from the southern Altiplano indicate increasing aridity during surface uplift. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Programs: T13F-2448.
- Townsend, B. & D.A. Croft. 2011. Caviomorph microwear revisited using HDR imaging. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2011:205.
- Anaya Daza, F., B. Shockey & D.A. Croft. 2010. Sparassodonts of Salla: species richness and new taxa of carnivorous marsupials from the late Oligocene of Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2010:53A.
- Bertrand, O., J. Flynn, D.A. Croft & A. Wyss. 2010. Description of the oldest caviomorphs and a phylogeny of the group’s initial radiation. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2010:59-60A.
- Chick, J., D.A. Croft, H. Dodson, J. Flynn & A. Wyss. 2010. The early Miocene rodent fauna of Pampa Castillo, Chile. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2010:71A.
- Croft, D.A., T. Dolgushina & G. Wesley-Hunt. 2010. Morphological diversity in extinct South American sparassodonts (Mammalia: Metatheria). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2010:76A.
- Croft, D.A., K. Bamba, J.J. Flynn, A. Jeong & A.R. Wyss. 2010. Oligocene mammals from the Andes of central Chile. Resúmenes, X Congreso Argentino de Paleontología y Bioestratigrafía y VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología: p. 82.
- Higgins, P., D.A. Croft & S. Simpson. 2010. Microwear, hypsodonty, and isotopes: mineralization and growth rates of hypselodont cheek teeth of notoungulates. 9th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Punta del Este, Uruguay.
- Sameh, M. & D.A. Croft. 2010. Ecological structure and habitat of two middle Miocene South American mammal paleocommunities. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2010:156A.
- Croft, D.A. 2009. South American mammal diversities and distributions during the Miocene. Abstracts, X International Mammalogical Conference, Mendoza, Argentina: p. 310-11.
- Croft, D.A. & K. Niemi. 2009. Does incisor morphology correlate with diet in caviomorph rodents. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2009:82A.
- Flynn, J.J., R. Charrier, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss. 2009. Cenozoic Andean faunas: shedding new light on South American mammal evolution, biogeography, environments, and tectonics. Abstracts, X International Mammalogical Conference, Mendoza, Argentina: p. 104.
- Higgins, P., D.A. Croft & S. Simpson. 2009. Mineralization and growth rate of hypselodont cheek teeth: insights into the paleobiology of notoungulates. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2009:114A
- Shockey, B., J.J. Flynn, D.A. Croft, A.R. Wyss & A. Neinast. 2009. Phylogenetic analysis of relationships among traditional families of Notoungulata using postcranial characters. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, SVP Program and Abstracts Book 2009:181A.
- Chick, J., D.A. Croft & F. Anaya. 2008. Middle Miocene rodents from Quebrada Honda, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(3, Suppl.):63A.
- Croft, D.A. & F. Anaya. 2008. A new early/middle Miocene fauna from southern Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(3, Suppl.):67A.
- Croft, D.A. & F. Anaya. 2008. A new early/middle Miocene fauna from southern Bolivia. III Congreso Latinoamericano de Paleontología de Vertebrados, Neuquén, Argentina, Libro de Resúmenes:69.
- Garzione, C., D. Auerbach, J. Bershaw, D.A. Croft, P. Higgins, T. Jordan, B. MacFadden, J. Rosario-Díaz & J. Smith. 2008. Long-term records of latitudinal climate gradients in the central Andes from stable isotopes in fossil and sedimentary carbonates. 4th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference, The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences, EGU Topical Conference Series, Santiago, Chile.
- Croft, D.A. & D. Weinstein. 2007. Using mesowear to test whether hypsodont notoungulates were grazers. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 27(3, Suppl.):62A.
- Croft, D.A. & D. Weinstein. 2007. The diets of hypsodont notoungulates from Salla, Bolivia, inferred from mesowear. Ameghiniana 44(3, Suppl.):12R.
- Charrier, R., J.J. Flynn, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss 2007. Tectonic and paleogeographic setting for the development of grassland environments and evolution of extensive hypsodonty in herbivores in Early Oligocene times in central Chile (32º-36ºS). Geosur 2007, International Geological Congress on the Southern Hemisphere.
- Croft, D.A., A.R. Wyss, M.K. Burns, J.J. Flynn & S.C. Grana. 2006. New specimens from the early Miocene Chucal Fauna, northern Chile, and a description of its xenarthrans. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(3, Suppl.):53A.
- Anderson, L.C. & D.A. Croft. 2006. Locomotor strategy and mass prediction for the notoungulate Protypotherium (early Miocene, Santa Cruz, Argentina). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(3, Suppl.):36-7A.
- Townsend, K.E. & D.A. Croft. 2006. Enamel microwear of modern caviomorph rodents and dietary interpretation for the Santacrucian rodent Neoreomys. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(3, Suppl.):132A.
- Wertheim, J.A., T.M. Herriott, D.A. Croft, J.J. Flynn & P.B. Gans. 2006. Unusual fossil rodent faunas from south central Chile. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 26(3, Suppl.):137-8A.
- Herriott, T.M., R. Charrier, D.A. Croft, J.J. Flynn, P.B. Gans, J.A. Wertheim & A.R. Wyss. 2006. Geologic mapping, sedimentology, structure, and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the southeast Laguna del Laja area, central Andes, Chile (37º30’S 71º15’W). Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, Specialty Meeting No. 2 (Backbone of the Americas—Patagonia to Alaska, 3–7 April 2006, Mendoza, Argentina): p. 66.
- Croft, D.A. & K.E. Townsend. 2005. Inferring habitat for the late early Miocene Santa Cruz Fauna (Santa Cruz Province, Argentina) using ecological diversity analysis. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(3, Suppl.):48A.
- Flynn, J.J., D.A. Croft, R. Hitz & A.R. Wyss. 2005. The Tapado Fauna (?Casamayoran SALMA), Abanico Formation, Tinguiririca Valley, central Chile. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(3, Suppl.):57A.
- Shockey, B., F. Anaya, D.A. Croft & R. Salas. 2005. New mammals from the Deseadan (late Oligocene) of Salla, Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(3, Suppl.):115A.
- Townsend, K.E. & D.A. Croft. 2005. Low-magnification microwear analyses of South American endemic herbivores. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(3, Suppl.):123A.
- Wertheim, J.A., D.A. Croft, J.J. Flynn & A.R. Wyss. 2005. New rodent faunas spanning several SALMAs from the Laguna del Laja region, Andean Main Range, central Chile. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(3, Suppl.):129A.
- Wyss, A.R., J.J. Flynn, and D.A. Croft. 2005. New notohippids (Notoungulata, Eutheria) from the central Chilean Andes. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 25(3, Suppl.):132A.
< 2005
- Croft, D.A. & F. Anaya. 2004. A new hegetotheriid from the middle Miocene of Quebrada Honda, Bolivia and a phylogeny of the Hegetotheriidae (Mammalia: Notoungulata: Typotheria). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24(3, Suppl.):48-49A.
- Shockey, B.J., D.A. Croft & F. Anaya. 2004. Distinctive fossorial adaptations in mesotheriids (Mammalia: Notoungulata). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24(3, Suppl.):112A.
- Wyss A.R., R. Charrier, D.A. Croft & J.J. Flynn. 2004. Paleontological reconnaissance of the central Andean Main Range by helicopter: additional new Cenozoic mammal faunas from Chile. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24(3, Suppl.):133A.
- Croft, D.A., J.J. Flynn & A.R. Wyss. 2003. Diversification of mesotheriids (Mammalia: Notoungulata: Typotheria) in the middle latitudes of South America. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23(3, Suppl.):43A.
- Flynn, J.J., R. Charrier, D.A. Croft, R. Hitz & A.R. Wyss. 2003. The Abanico Formation of the Chilean Andes: an exceptional Eocene-Miocene record of South American mammal evolution. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23(3, Suppl.):50A.
- Wyss, A.R., R. Charrier, D.A. Croft, J.J. Flynn & J.A. Wertheim. 2003. New middle Cenozoic mammals from the Laguna del Laja region (Cura Mallín Formation, south central Chile). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 23(3, Suppl.):113A.
- Croft, D.A. 2002. Mammalian predator-prey diversity patterns: what do they tell us about “island” continents? Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 22(3, Suppl.):47A.
- Charrier, R., D.A. Croft, J.J. Flynn, G. Hérail & A.R. Wyss. 2000. The first Cenozoic mammal fauna from the Chilean Altiplano. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20(3, Suppl.):35A.
- Croft, D.A. 1999. South American herbivore communities and the Eocene-Oligocene transition. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 19(3, Suppl.):40A.
- Croft, D.A. 1999. Body size distributions of Middle Cenozoic South American mammal faunas. Programa y Resúmenes, Primero Congreso Internacional de Evolución Neotropical del Cenozóico, La Paz, Bolivia, p. 19.
- Flynn, J.J., R. Charrier, G. Hérail, D.A. Croft & A.R. Wyss. 1999. The first Cenozoic mammal fauna from the Chilean Altiplano. Programa y Resúmenes, Primero Congreso Internacional de Evolución Neotropical del Cenozóico, La Paz, Bolivia, p. 23.
- Croft, D.A. 1998. Experiments in herbivory: evolution in the Archaeohyracidae (Mammalia, Notoungulata). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18(3, Suppl.):36A.
- Kaye, T. & D.A. Croft. 1998. Do you know where your field crew has been? Using full-spectrum GPS to track, coordinate, and assess. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 18(3, Suppl.):55A.
- Croft, D.A. & N. Woodman. 1998. Micromammal subfossils from a cave in northwestern Honduras. Abstracts of Papers, 1998 Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists.
- Croft, D.A. 1997. The correlation between diet and morphology: multivariate analyses of craniodental variables in glires and ungulates. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 17(3, Suppl.):40A.