Blogging for Old Bones

Every six weeks or so, I write a post for Old Bones, the blog of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Here are links to my blogs, in reverse chronological order:

  • May 2017: The ups and downs of international fieldwork based on my experiences working in Chile and Bolivia.
  • April 2017: Some thoughts about submitting an abstract for the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology annual meeting.
  • February 2017: Why meeting with a visiting professor is a great opportunity for students.
  • January 2017: Strategies I use to stay on top of the ever-expanding scientific literature.
  • December 2016: A comparison of vertebrate paleontology careers in Argentina and the US.
  • September 2016: Summary of a recent scientific paper that proposed a new model to explain unusual combinations of bones preserved in some fossil skeletons.
  • July 2016: Discussion of a recent scientific article on teeth of meat-eating mammals.
  • June 2016: The different types of geological investigations we associated with our fieldwork in Bolivia.
  • May 2016: The first paleontology graduate program in Chile, at the Universidad Austral de Chile in Valdivia (in collaboration with guest blogger, Dr. Karen Moreno).
  • March 2016: Discussion of the anatomy and evolutionary relationships of an awesomely strange animal that lived about 310 million years ago called the Tully Monster (Tullimonstrum gregarium).
  • February 2016: Giant tortoises, modern and extinct.
  • December 2015: A review of a fun and interesting book I read on a trip to Chile, The Monkey’s Voyage.
  • November 2015: The many terms mammalogists and paleontologists use to describe what an animal eats.
  • September 2015: Why to paleontologists go to academic meetings?
  • August 2015: Working in research collections, based on a visit to the University of California, Berkeley.
  • July 2015: A review of “The World’s Largest Dinosaurs,” a traveling exhibit on sauropod dinosaurs created by the American Museum of Natural History.

